Catalytic Asymmetric Hydrofunctionalization Reactions
The CATALOOP network aims at the development of powerful workflows for data-driven development of stereoselective catalysis. To achieve that, we will utilize comprehensive data-driven experimental approaches for realizing challenging asymmetric catalytic methods. This network brings together academic research groups with expertise in experimental catalyst development with theoretical groups skilled in computational and data-driven chemistry in order to develop new catalytic asymmetric reactions. World-leading industrial partners with a wide range of interests will provide advice on which approaches may have the most impact on industry and will host the students in secondments.

Position Details
Position: PhD Student
Start Date: October 2025
In recent years, copper(I) hydride (CuH) catalyzed hydrofunctionalization has evolved as a reliable method to form new C-C and C-N bonds from alkenes and suitable electrophiles. The ligands currently employed are exclusively chiral bisphosphines, which allow to modulate both reactivity and selectivity. However, the scope of the tested ligands in these reactions is still rather limited and comprehensive structure-property relationships are rare, providing a large open catalyst space to be explored. This project will rely on data-driven workflows for the closed-loop design of ligands that will facilitate challenging CuH-catalyzed hydrofunctionalization reactions. To apply, please submit your application material through the platform linked below.