

May 1, 2024

Move to Feringa Building

On May 1, we moved to the Feringa building. It was a lot of work but we made it and we already enjoy the new offices and labs.

See pictures


April 1, 2024

Shiquan joins

On April 1, Shiquan joined the group as a Master student. Shiquan will work on inverse design of organocatalysts.

See bio


April 1, 2024

Serhii joins

On April 1, Serhii joined the group as a Postdoctoral researcher. Serhii will work on machine learning for chemistry.

See bio


December 14, 2023

Group Afternoon Winter 2023

On December 14, the group had a group afternoon in Groningen. We competed in laser tag, enjoyed authentic Chinese dinner prepared by Yanchao, and, to top it off, made a new group picture in Reitdiephaven.

See pictures


December 14, 2023

Pieter joins

On December 14, Pieter joined the group as a Master student. Pieter will work on language models for chemistry.

See bio


November 1, 2023

Yanchao joins

On November 1, Yanchao joined the group as its third PhD student. Yanchao will work on data-driven design of organocatalysts.

See bio


November 1, 2023

Shuai joins

On November 1, Shuai joined the group as its second PhD student. Shuai will work on systematic computational design of organocatalysts aided by artificial intelligence.

See bio


October 10, 2023

LEAF Bronze Certificate

On October 10, our group received our first LEAF Bronze certificate for our wet lab. This certifies our efforts to implement sustainable experimental practices. Rob received the corresponding certificate from the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Prof. Dr. Joost Frenken, during the Sustainability Week.

See pictures


September 15, 2023

Gonçalo joins

On September 15, Gonçalo joined the group as a Master student. Gonçalo will work on language models for chemistry.

See bio


July 11, 2023

First Group Afternoon

On July 11, the group had its first group afternoon in Groningen. We made two teams compete in an escape room, enjoyed dinner together in a cozy restaurant, and, to document the occasion, made time for a group picture on the roof of the forum.

See pictures


March 14, 2023

Rob at Late Night Conference

On March 14, Rob was guest at the Late Night Conference hosted by Prof. Wilhelm Huck at Radboud University Nijmegen and talked about Artificial Organic Chemistry and Inverse Molecular Design. Click on this news item to watch the video.

Watch video on YouTube


February 27, 2023

Andrei joins

On February 27, Andrei joined the group as its second Master student. He will work on de novo molecular design using language models.

See bio

Group Resources

February 23, 2023

Group Resources Added

Our website now has a Group Resources page with links to dedicated external pages providing both research- and group-related material, data, and content.

See Group Resources


February 7, 2023

First Opentron protocol

On February 7, we ran the first Opentron protocol successfully. To document this important occasion, we filmed it. Click on this news item to watch the video.

Watch video on YouTube


November 29, 2022

First Opentron arrives

On November 29, the first Opentron of the group arrived. Hannes and Rob unpacked it together and set it up in the lab. Stay tuned for more pictures of it in action.

See pictures


November 15, 2022

Niels joins

On November 15, Niels joined the group as its first Master student. He will work on the automated interpretation of molecule characterization data using artificial intelligence.

See bio


November 1, 2022

Hannes joins

On November 1, Hannes joined the group as its first PhD student. He will work on data-driven high-troughput optimization of organocatalyzed reactions.

See bio


August 1, 2022

Group Launch

On August 1, Rob had his first day at the University of Groningen. First, he was welcomed by fellow faculty, then he took over his new office and finally had a first look at the lab space.

See pictures